6 Examples of ADA Website Accessibility Compliance

A quick search of website accessibility on the internet tends to return many archaic-looking websites. But don't be led to believe that your website needs to be accompanied with a poor design in order to be ADA compliant. The truth is, there are a number of things that you can do to your existing website design to make it accessible.

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible

Website accessibility might be a topic that you've ignored until now. Don't get yourself in trouble. Start making your site accessible with these 5 quick and easy optimizations.

How to Price Your Product with Your Customer in Mind

There are a lot of questions to answer about your product during the building and pre-release phase and one of the most important ones is how to price your product. In this post I describe the steps I followed to price Gazeble as well as provide behind-the-scenes insights into its pricing.

Website ADA Accessibility Lawsuits: A Growing Trend

For a long time it has been understood that the law applies to brick-and-mortar businesses, however, it's also becoming apparent how much this law applies to public websites as well.

Understanding How People with Disabilities Attempt to Use Your Website

What's it like to use the internet with a disability? In this post, I want to help you gain a new perspective - that of how someone with a vision, hearing or cognitive disability and how they navigate the internet and your website.